There are lots of factors that contribute to our emotional state, together with physical and mental well-being, our relationships, identity and community impacts decision making and the ability to cope in our environment. We can become entrenched in negative thought cycles that stop us from moving forward in our lives. Overtime developing social and emotional issues that impact our well-being.
Although it may not be the trigger, issues at home are major contributing influences on the rise in anti-social behaviour affecting our communities. There is an increasing amount of communities struggling to cope with the needs of young people and their families, due to a steady increase in recognised mental health, learning and social difficulties. The lack of services available has resulted in an increase issues such as depression, anxiety, addiction and anger management.
Social issues such as poverty, child exploitation, domestic violence, drug and sexual abuse are having detrimental impact on households throughout communities. Resulting in children not being able to effectively communicate in their environment, hindering social interaction, fulfill their potential. Putting extra pressure on parents, teachers, police, criminal justice system and health services.
If you feel affected by social issues and would like some support, complete our Referral Form